Fairy Cakes are easy and quick to make for your family. It’s very delicious and tasty. Here we have mentioned the easiest Fairy Cake recipe. We have also added those butterfly wings to the topping which look great and it will be fun to do with the kids. We have included the videos further recipes of fairy recipes. Also, you can identify what’s the difference between Fairy Cake cases, Cupcake cases and Muffin cases.
• 200g caster sugar
• 200g very soft butter
• 200g self-raising flour
• 3 eggs
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
**For the icing**
• 200g very soft butter
• 200g icing sugar
• food colouring, sprinkles, marshmallows and handful of sweets.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (170°C fan, gas mark 5). Line a cupcake tin
with cake cases, if you haven’t any cake cup cases, then put grease and
flour the individual holes.
Then beat together the butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract until the
mixture is smooth.
After Sift the flour into the bowl with the baking powder. Stir in until
well blended, then Spoon the mix into the cake cases.
You can bake for 12-15 minutes until a skewer comes out clean when
inserted. After baked, then put Cool on a rack before decorating.
Then make the icing, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy and pale,
add a drop of milk if needed and add the coloring as required.
Finally You can Using a small sharp knife carefully cut out the centre of
the cake, removing the sponge and slicing in half to make butterfly
wings, put spoon the buttercream into the centre and position the
sponge wings on top. Dust with icing sugar to finish.

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