Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the United States, with the third-leading cause being prostate cancer. As you can imagine, when you have something as important as what are the symptoms of colon cancer, you want to know everything you can about it. The good news is that once you find out if you have it or not, the symptoms will be much easier to handle because you will have a better idea of what to look for.
One of the most common symptoms of colon cancer is rectal bleeding. Rectal bleeding is caused by the presence of small pockets of abnormal tissue in the rectal canal. This tissue grows and shrinks as part of the digestive process and it can become quite large if not treated quickly. You may also notice blood on your stool or on the toilet paper after you use the bathroom, which again could be caused by the growth of this abnormal tissue.
You may also experience abdominal pain, either in your upper or lower abdomen.
Some people are prone to having lower abdominal pain while others don’t, and there are also those who experience sharp pain in their upper abdomen. If the tumor in your colon grows and begins to press on these areas, the pain will grow with it. The same is true for any other abnormal growth in your gastrointestinal system, including the liver, kidneys, and spleen. Some people experience more symptoms than others and some even experience pain in the upper back, jaw, pelvis, and legs, although these are usually caused by things such as gallstones and diverticulitis, which are not colon cancer but are close to it. If you have these symptoms, then chances are that you have some of the same conditions, and it’s important that you go see your doctor right away to make sure that they are not signs of a more serious problem.
Abdominal swelling or pain is another symptom of colon cancer. If you have lumps in your abdominal cavity, it can be a sign that the lump itself is growing, and if it’s growing large enough that it’s pressing against some of your nearby distant organs, it could even be a sign of colon cancer. If you have sudden, severe abdominal pain or a feeling like something is stuck in your throat or stomach, chances are that you have some of these other conditions as well, and it’s important that you get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Some other conditions that can cause this type of abdominal pain are diverticulitis, bile ducts involvement (if you’ve got them), anemia, poor bowel habits, and pancreatic cancer, among many others.
Many people have problems with their bowels, and if these problems involve the colon, then you may have developed some of these other conditions, and they could be related as well. The most common symptom associated with problems with the bowels is abdominal pain. This symptom can take many forms, and it’s important that you keep an eye on it if you think that something might be wrong. Abdominal swelling is another common colon cancer symptom and often involves pain, bloating, and constipation as well. If you have blood in your stool, it could mean that the cancerous cells have found their way into your bloodstream and spread there as well.
Other symptoms that can occur in the colon include intestinal gas or cramping. People who have chronic diarrhea may have developed it because the undigested food that’s not passing through makes their bowels back and forth, and this produces gas. Constipation is another of the symptoms, and again, this occurs when too much food remains in your intestines and they’re unable to process it. Symptoms such as intestinal gas and cramping can sometimes lead to abdominal pain, but often it’s caused by bowel contractions that are out of sync. Digestive problems, heartburn, nausea, and gas, are also all associated with what are the symptoms of colon cancer, so if you’re experiencing any of these, you need to go see a doctor immediately.
Other symptoms of colon cancer include a change in color or texture in the stool or a significant weight loss. One of the symptoms is severe abdominal pain, and in some cases, diarrhea can also be present. The lining of the stomach can change in texture as well, and in some cases, it will become thin and be prone to bleeding. Another sign of colon cancer is dark vaginal bleeding after sex. You may also be sick with a strong or unpleasant smelling fishy odor. All these symptoms need to be treated as soon as possible, so see your doctor right away. These are all serious signs, and they need to be checked out immediately by a doctor. There are many symptoms of colon cancer, which means that the earlier that you can detect them, the better for your health. Keep these in mind, and know what to do if you think you have any of these conditions.
Learn More about Symptoms of Colon Cancer